Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bellport Poster Contest

Open Contest to all Artists:
The Bellport Chamber of Commerce is looking for original artwork or photos for the 2015 Festival Poster! 
The Bellport Chamber has for the last 32 Years produced a festival poster for the community. Each year poster subject is selected by either a contest; seasonal current event or we select well-known local artists to produce the poster. This year is an open contest that will be judged by our chamber members and local residents. Subject should show seasonal fun or special attractions you love in Bellport.

Please submit all works to Bellport Arts & Framing Studio location: 137 South Country Rd., Bellport. 
Any questions can be directed to the Chamber Vice President via phone or email. (631) 803-6076          
Hours of drop off Wed - Sat 11am - 5pm.

All original artwork or photos only please. Size limit:  no smaller than 8 X 10 and maximum size of 24 X 36. Final piece will be scaled to fit an 18 X 24 poster size. (Horizontal or Vertical welcomed) Use any medium desired, no 3 dimensional works will be accepted only drawings and feel free to make them as colorful as you wish. Please have all work ready to be hung for competition. The image selected becomes the property of the chamber but the original belongs to the artist.

Drop off Date: All work can be submitted between April 20th -Saturday, June 6.

$10 per submission minimum of 3 per artist. All work must be framed and wired to be hung in an exhibit for judging. Please indicate if you are selling your artwork and price. There will be a 20% commission on all work sold during the show but no art will be sold until the end of the exhibit. Please include on all artwork name, phone contact, email, and home address. 
Make checks out to the Bellport Chamber of Commerce.   
You may download a submission form on