Wednesday, December 23, 2009
At Gallery on the Hill: Call 451-9070 or email us at for info!
BAHC Members' Show 1/14/ - 1/31 (Reception 1/17)
I Love..... 2/4 - 2/22 (Reception 2/7)
Faces & Figures: 4/15 - 5/10 (Reception 4/18)
At Phoenix Gallery: Call 776-0811 or email us at
(Closed for Renovations and Sprucing up 1/4 - 1/10
Emerging Artists Show- This is interesting! Do you have a new artist friend you'd like to encourage or sponsor? This is the show for them! Jan 11- Feb 2nd (Reception Jan 17)
Annual Juried Show --2/8 - 3/8 (Reception 2/14)
Abstract/Contemporary Show-- 3/8 - 4/5 (Reception 3/14)
For the Love of Flowers Show-- 4/5 - 5/3 (Reception 4/11)
Drop Offs are Mondays 3-7 Receptions are Sundays 1 -3
Monday, November 23, 2009
News of our Members:
Chris Taylor's Batiks will be on display at the Syosset Library from Dec 1-29 during regualr library hours
Mary Bouzianis, Lorraine Rimmelin, Jeanne Salucci, and Chris Taylor are now exhibiting their work at Fiedler Gallery in Greenport.
Be sure to check out the Greenport Gallery walks!
Also in Greenport, Mike Maas, Ted Stamatelos and Rosamaria Eisler are exhibiting at deCordova Gallery-
IN BELLPORT, SBAA members are on exhibit at Phoenix Gallery till Dec 7th- then the show switches over to Holiday works, with late night hours on Fridays till Christmas. Make Bellport your destination during the fridays in December for all your Holiday shopping- featuring live music, Carolling, and light refreshments. 776-0811
Monday, November 16, 2009
Student Scholarship Show is this Weekend!
The Opening Reception will be on Friday, November 20th from 7:30pm-9:30pm, with the awards ceremony at 8:00pm.
The exhibit will then be open on Saturday, November 21st from 10:00am-6:00pm, and Sunday, November 22nd from 10:00am-3:00pm.
Also coming up, Holiday Show at decordova gallery in Greenport,
Gallery Hours:
Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 6pm.
Also by appointment or when the banner is flying.
Call 631-477-0620 or visit our website at:
which includes works by Rosamaria Eisler, Michael Maas and Ted Stamatelos.
Reception Friday 11/20 6 -8 pm
Holiday Shopping in Bellport Village:
Merchants will stay open late on Friday nights for your shopping convenience....Nov 27th - Dec 18th. Shop Locally and support your local artists!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Artists work their heart out on a piece, stress over it, agonize work and rework...... finally get it ready to show off and..... put it in a second-hand frame!
This actually devalues the work.
It's not professional.
Collectors can spot a second hand frame a mile away, and it detracts from the work.
The other problem I see often is that the frame doesn't DO anything for the artwork, and can sometimes fight it, taking away the impact the painting may have had in a different frame or even unframed! Trying to match a mat or a frame to the decor of the home also devalues the work.
Framing should enhance the piece, not be a last minute thought. Its part of the process.
Cutting costs by using second hand frames is not really in the best interest of the artist, and it makes us ALL look bad. Sure, everyone wants to economize, but remember the collector wants VALUE for his purchase of your artwork. Don't sell short by using cheap or second-hand, yard-sale frames that you have touched up or repaired. Would you buy a new car with old tires on it? Or a scratch in the paint?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Br. Gerard Cormier
Br. Gerard has been a busy man this year! In addition to creating new work on a regular basis, and in between his woodworking hobby, he has exhibited in quite a few places around town this year. If you missed his Retrospective earlier this year, you missed a great show! For the first time, over 50 of his works were assembled in one place for a two weekend exhibit that was standing room only-- at #9 Bellport Lane. Since this is a private office, access is now limited and usually unavailable.
Previously, we were able to view Br. Gerard's work at Sugar Loaf Cafe, the Bank of New York, and the Phoenix Gallery...... those places have all changed hands. His work can now be seen at Bellport Arts & Framing, and occasionally at the Phoenix Gallery.
Never one to let the moss grow, Br Gerard has been busy painting en plein air, and working on select commissions. He's quite the man about town, a familiar friendly face in Bellport and Brookhaven.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
News of Our Members
BEST IN SHOW at the Portrait show at Bald Hill today!
Letty A. Damm-Norjen received an Honorable Mention in Brookhaven Arts and Humanities ‘Portrait Show’ at Bald Hill in Farmingville. Damm-Norjen’s winning piece is a hand colored lino-print titled ‘Portrait of a Girl’. The public is invited to the reception this Sunday October 18th, 2:00-4:00pm, at Gallery ont he Hill in Farmingville.
There is also a reception at Phoenix Gallery this Sunday from 1 -3 pm
139 S Country Rd, Bellport 776-0811
NEW Gallery Grand Opening: c2 Gallery (C-squared) at 22 W Main St, Patchogue, Nov 7 from 4 - 10 pm
Several SBAA members won awards at the recent North Shore Art Guild Show, at Bald Hill:
Mary Bouzianis got her first blue ribbon for the "Meeting of the Gourds" watercolor painting. Jeanne Salucci took 2nd with "Sunflowers" (W/C) and Lorraine Rimmelin took 3rd with "Flowering Pots". also a watercolor. Congratulations Ladies!
At the recent Wet Paints Exhibit over at the Bayard Arboretum, Lorraine Rimmelin and Jeanne Salucci earned ribbons as well for their watercolor work.
Marianne Thorvaldsen, Jeanne Rogers, Kathy Wayman are exhibiting with the
National League of American Pen Women, Suffolk Branch this Columbus Day weekend
from 10-4pm the Bayard Cutting Arboretum.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
events of note, calls to artists
Mike Maas is exhibiting at the Castle Night Gallery in Westhampton..... Ted Stamatelos is at the Village Silversmith.... LuAnn Thompson, Larry Johnston, Pat Campbell and Chris Taylor are at Bellport Arts & Framing..... Pen Women will be exhibiting at the Arboretum, Wet Paints just had their show.... Phoenix is exhibiting a bunch of sbaa members too-
MONDAY 10/12 3-7 call to artists at the BAHC/Phoenix Gallery for their open show-
also photographers get ready- for the Photo exhibit at the Suffolk County Historical Society Museum- Long Island Landmarks and Icons- receiving is between Nov 3-6 from 12:30-4:30
Reception is Nov 13th 6 -8 pm for info contact Kathryn Curran at 631-727-2881 or
In November, SBAA members will be entitled to exhibit up to 2 pieces (space available) for FREE at the Phoenix Gallery- details in next newsletter
Send your member news to
If I don't know about it, I can't post it! thanks-- chris
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Artist Trading Cards
Have a little fun with this!
google artinyourpocket or artist trading cards for full info on the who what where why and how of ATC's
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Reception: Friday evening, September 25th from 6 - 9 pm at various locations- Come Stroll the Village of Bellport- visit all the shops and restaurants with artwork on display- provided by our local talent!
Do the Bellport Stroll!
The exhibit continues through the weekend.
for complete details, visit 776-0811
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Artist Trading Cards

September 30th at 7:15 pm in the Community Center in Bellport-
We will be creating and trading cards.
These are small, original works of art that are traded like Baseball cards-
The rules:
must be original
must be traded (never sold)
must be 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" in size, signed on the back and dated.
For more information go to the Internet: search Artist Trading Cards or
Art in your Pocket
you will find loads of useful info and ideas.
Come join the fun! free and open to all artists!
Below is a suggested list of materials for making ATC’s [Artist Trading Cards]
ATC’s are 2 1/2” X 3 1/2” in size. All items listed can be small in size too.
Bits and pieces of:
Paper napkins
Ticket stubs
Cancelled stamps
Stamps and stamping ink
Hand colored tissue paper
Mesh bag [that you get produce in]
Paper [to cut for your ATC ground]:
Watercolor paper
Card stock
Playing cards with rounded corners have been used
Or any other substantial paper product
[We will have a cutter available for use]
Glue stick
Elmer’s glue [or your choice]
Old photos [or copies of same]
cut up paintings, prints or collage to use as background
Song books
Used greeting cards
Wrapping paper
Paints etc;
Watercolor [& brushes]
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Post your Website Here!
Also send me photos of your work to put on our facebook Member Gallery- jpegs and not too big of a file, ok? KB not MB
SBAA is building a web presence- started by and growing every time one of us blogs or posts or gets into the papers!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Islip Art Museum
Kudos to Vera Kavanaugh for attending the Town Board Meeting and speaking up!
The issue was tabled for a later meeting..... which could mean one of two things:
they hope we will forget about it,
we have another chance to talk to them!
Let's all rally and get to that meeting-- I suggest we ALL wear the same color, red maybe, as a show of solidarity---
As son as I find out when that next meeting is I will let you know!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Elections Coming Up!
Please volunteer your time and talents to this great organization, to keep it going after 50+ wonderful years of art!
Call Laurie if you can help--- 286-3521
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Plein Air at Longwood Estate

BAHC will be exhibiting work from the Longwood Estate over the Labor Day weekend, at the Fair which includes lots of great activities for all ages.
Artists are preparing the works now, live, en plein air.
This photo is graciously provided by Pat D'Aversa, © 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Lian Quan Zhen

On Wednesday, July 22nd we were very happy to have Mr. Lian Quan Zhen give us a demonstration in his Chinese watercolor technique.....
We sat, enthralled, as we were both entertained and taught......
One of the comments I heard afterward from an accomplished watermedia artist:
"I like his three color palette, his constant color change, his negative painting. He really fits my definition of art as entertainment for the eye, the way music is entertainment for the ear, variety in size, value, contrast, the only constant is change. He is not reproducing a picture, but creating eye candy. I thought I would put my thoughts down before I forget what I learned."
If you ever have the opportunity to see a demo or take a workshop with Lian Quan Zhen you won't be disappointed.
visit his website:
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Exhibit Opportunities
The Art of Everything Nautical
July 16-August 9, 2009
Gallery on the Hill,
We live in a diverse area on Long Island, surrounded by the sea. This show will entail anything nautical referring to ships or shipping or navigation or seamen; relating to the sea, or maritime themes, boating and navigation or anything
Drop-off: July 13, 2009 – 3:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Reception: July 26, 2009 – 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Pick-up: August 10, 2009 – 3:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Local Long Island
July 19 – August 16
Phoenix Gallery, Bellport
This exhibit celebrates the beauty of Long Island. From Long Island Landscapes to barns, buildings or beautiful sunsets, show your pride in Long Island.
RECIVING: Sunday, July 19, 2009 from 12 to 3 pm
RECEPTION: Sunday, August 2, 2009 1 to 3 pm
PICK UP: **Monday, August 17, 2009 3 pm to 7 pm **(note: all drop off and pick ups will be changed to Monday)
Monday, July 13, 2009
News of oour Members
August 13 - September 10, 2009
Reception: Thursday August 13, 2009 5-9p
11 North Ocean Ave. Patchogue, New York 11772
for directions please visit:
Larry Johnston will be at the Gallery North's "On Site" exhibit featuring six LI Plein Air Painters, July 17- Aug 16, Reception July 17, 5 - 7 pm
Chris Taylor and Lilian Masten are at the NEW Sayville Library exhibit, "What I Learned from a Book" with Women Sharing Art, the reception is July 24th 7 - 9 pm
Several of our members are participating in the Nautical Show at Gallery on the Hill, and Local Long Island at Phoenix Gallery
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Suffolk County Historical Society Museum
Opening Reception: Fri., July 10, 2009 • 6-8 pm
Upcoming: Juried Photography Show in November watch for details
300 West Main Street, Riverhead, New York. (631) 727-2881.
Many of us have been privileged to exhibit at the museum- let's show our support in return! (And learn a little something too!)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Gallery North Wet Paint Festival
Fir & Sat July 10 & 11 10 -5 painting and observation, Shore Rd, Setauket and
Port Jeff Village and Harbor
Sun July 12 12 - 5 exhibition of Work @ Gallery North
Sun July 12 5:30 - 7:30 BYO Picnic, Auction of Paintings, @ Gallery North
Thursday, July 2, 2009
1st Anniversary- Bellport Arts & Framing Studio
She's having a little get-together on Friday July 3rd at around 6 pm to celebrate the occasion.
Best Wishes for continued success at the
Bellport Arts & Framing Studio!
Larry J
2 main st, Southampton 631-287-1883
Monday, June 29, 2009
We'll miss your familiar face on the Lane this year Don, but we know you'll be back real soon! Hopefully in time to do some plein air painting but especially to do some of those wonderful portraits at sketch group!
Hey maybe we should all come see you and bring you a pencil and sketch pad....
:-) get well soon, Don!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Artists on the Lane -- July 4th
Every year we have artists from all over the country who return again and again!
This event is a well known tradition- don't forget at 4 pm we will hold the annual Raffle- to benefit our student scholarship fund- this year we are happy to have artworks donated by: Rosamaria Eisler, Lester Sprague, Mike Maas, and Muriel Musarra, plus a few more we've accepted along the way- tickets will be available on the 4th from our table located as usual, in front of the Village Hall on Bellport Lane.
Come on down for a nice stroll down to the Bay and back, with lots of great art along the way!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Local Artist Hits A Hole in One!
Elaine Thompson, (Wet Paints member), has been slowly making a name for herself in both the art and golf world- she has combined the two and this year looks like its her design that is the logo for the Open- and it's everywhere! Talk about a marketing coup!
Elaine, as many of you may know, has been creating golf art for a few years now and posters that have been created from her paintings have been going like hotcakes.
Its not all a bed of roses though, as Elaine is out at the Open every day, day in day out, rain or shine, signing those posters for fans.
See Newsday, Sunday June 14, page A15
Elaine isn't an SBAA member (yet!) but I mention this because..... she will be at our October meeting with a discussion on the Business of Art.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
BAHC, also known as the Brookhaven Arts & Humanities Council
BAHC, also known as the Brookhaven Arts & Humanities Council, will be moving into Bellport at the Phoenix Gallery- we welcome them into town! This is a great opportunity for artists-- as gallery spaces are shrinking along with the economy! And, one less vacant store on the main street- so it sounds like a win-win!
They will continue to offer fine art as well as fine hand-made jewlery, one of a kind unique pieces as well as sculpture by local artists John DiNaro, Ken Budny, Tom Nagle and Laurence Lee.
There will be an opening reception for the "New Beginnings" Show on Sunday June 28th from 1 - 3 pm
BAHC has been providing services to artists and the community for over 17 years, with outreach programs in local libraries as well.
The gallery is located at 139 S. Country Road in the Village of Bellport.
BAHC is a not-for-profit organization (501-3c)
Friday, June 19, 2009
an exhibit devoted exclusively to the paintings, sculpture and photography created by male artists only.
The exhibit includes: Dan Welden, Ted Stamatelos, Hector DeCordova, Sal Gulla, Bob Markell, David Gelser, Mike Cardacino and Dominic Antignano
Opening on Friday, July 3rd from 6 - 8 pm and runs until August 16th.
Gallery hours are Fri 4 - 7 Sat & Sun 1 - 7 , Mon Noon - 4, by appointment, or whenever you see the flag flying.
decordovastudio@optonline, 631-477-0620
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
New Beginnings
Dear SBAA members,
The Brookhaven Arts and Humanities Council is pleased to announce a wonderful opportunity! Beginning in July 2009 the Phoenix Gallery of Bellport will be run as a cooperative gallery under the management of the BAHC.
The BAHC plans to maintain an office at the Phoenix Gallery and to keep the gallery open Wednesday through Friday from 11am to 5pm and weekends until 7pm. In addition, the BAHC will hold workshops, classes and musical events at the gallery both during the week and on some weekend evenings.
The Phoenix Gallery will not replace our current gallery at Bald Hill, but we hope that it will become an integral part of our visual arts program.
For further information, please contact the BAHC office at 451-9070.
Mary Cappasso,
Executive Director
Brookhaven Arts & Humanities Council
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Get Well Wishes
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Opportunity to Exhibit
Entry Deadline: Wednesday, 6/10
Exhibition Dates: July 18 - August 14, 2009
Juror: Rose Pellicano
Smithtown Township Arts Council
Mills Pond House Gallery
660 Route 25A, St. James, NY 11780
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Dates to remember
There's been a change in Lester Sprague's Exhibit at the Bay Gallery - the reception will be held on the 14th instead of the 7th
Sundays in June, 1:30 - 3:30 at the Unitarian Fellowship on Brown's lane at the Bay, in Bellport
The Pen Women have an exhibit at Baffa Gallery 47 Gillette Ave, Sayville,
June 6 & 7, 13 & 14 with the reception on the 14th from 1 - 4 pm
Adele Roberts has work in the "Little Black Book" Exhibit at Mills Pond House, 660 Rte 25A, St James
from June 13- July 10th with a reception June 13th 2 - 4 pm
Many of our members are exhibiting at
"Gardener's Delight" at Phoenix Gallery in June, the exhibit is on till 6/21 with a reception Sunday May 31st 1 - 3 pm
Any other news? Send it over to me at
put "blog it" in the subject line
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thank You's
And for the Scholarship raffle, thanks to those artists who have donated paintings for the Raffle which will be held on July 4th at Artists on the Lane:
Muriel Musarra, Hongping Du, Laurie Fosmire, Mike Maas, Rosamaria, Lester Sprague, Sue Chrien and (a friend of) Irving Boker.
Good Luck to all those who have purchased raffle tickets!
Many many thanks to our artists and of course the volunteers who assisted in many ways to get the show up, especially our Co-Chairs, Christina and Carolyn Harrington.
And, thanks to, for their coverage as well- have you seen the slideshow? (go to recent events.)
Of course, thanks to the Village of Bellport, their staff and crew, for hanging (and unhanging) our banners and taking care of the Community Center so we can have our show in there.
See the winner's exhibit at the Library, during Library hours, now till June 27th
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Members Show Winners
Best in Show went to Carolyn Harrington for "Bellport Regatta" an oil painting done in palette knife style.
In Watercolor, we had ribbons for Lorraine Rimmelin, Rita Swanteson, Mary Bouzianis and Jeanne Salucci.
Printmaking: Rosamaria Eisler, George Wybenga.
Photography: Anne Baum, Bonnie Norjen, Michele DePalo and LuAnn Thompson. Oil/Acrylic: Carolyn Harrington, Daven Herley, Calvin Chen.
Drawing: Adele Roberts, Mike Maas, Doris Nickerson.
Mixed Media: Lilian Masten, Chris Taylor, Sue Chrien, Christina Harrington and Kathy Wayman.
Miscelaneous: Muriel Musarra.
Sculpture: Anne Meinhold, Diana Berthold.
Pastel: Roberta Gigliotta, Letty Damm-Norjen, Rita Swanteson.
Congratulations to all!
Ribbons are awarded at the discretion of the Judges. They may award all, some or no ribbons. Unawarded ribbons may be given to the larger categories, again at the discretion fo the judges. In some cases a category has no entries or very few.
The show is open today, Sunday, 12 - 6 and tomorrow, Monday 10 -5
at the Bellport Community Center, 4 Bell St Bellport
Free and open to the Public.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Volunteers make it happen!
Some of you I have not met yet..... and if I leave anyone out, please forgive me but here goes:
The Chairmen, Christina and Carolyn Harrington!
Set-Up crew- Sal Marascia, Jim Thompson, Lynn Stonebridge, Mike Maas,
Receiving Committee: including Hongping Du, Laurie Fosmire, Marianne Thorvaldsen, Michele DePalo, Anne Meinhold, Bobby Gugliotta, Carolyn Harrington
Hanging Committee, including Bobbie Gugliotta, Laurie Fosmire, Adele Roberts, Anne Meinhold, Marianne Thorvaldsen, Joel Furman
Refreshments: Mike Maas, Ted Stamatelos and Jean Coakley
Foods donated by King Kullen (with additional thanks to Sue Brooks)
Musicians: Diana and Elizabeth Berthold and Robert Price
Flowers- LI Flower Garden (with thanks to Fran & Laurie Fosmire)
Ribbons- procured by Lester Sprague- a fine job as usual!
Program Cover Design- George Wybenga
Our Judges, Ruth Baderian and Arline Goldstein
Our Publicist, Michele DePalo, and for their coverage and for providing us with our website
LuAnn Thompson for the design and procurement of show postcards
To all those who donated paintings for the Scholarship Raffle-
To all those who bought or sold raffle tickets,
The Village of Bellport for the use of the Community Center, and especially the Building & Grounds crew who hung the banners and set up the Community Center to accomodate our show,
The Stonebridge Family for taking care of the sign on the green in front of CVS
And, all our guests and supporters-all the patient wives and husbands who have put up with us through the process....We couldn't have done it without you! Its a great show!! If I've left anyone out, please let me know and please accept my apologies for the oversight!
Thanking in advance all those who will help break down the show, put the panels away and help at check-out.
Chris Taylor
Member's Exhibit
The reception begins tonight at 8 pm at the Community Center. See you there!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Patchogue Arts Council Mix and Mingle--- 5/20/09
Meet other Artists and Friends of the Arts
You are invited to our first MIX and MINGLE with Artists and Friends of the Arts at our ARTS MIXERS. At the Oar House, 264 West Avenue, Patchogue, NY 11772, 631-207-1953.
Encourage, Support, Promote the Arts
The Patchogue Arts Board and Trustees will also attend
Monday, May 18, 2009
Annual Member's Exhibit
its our 52nd Show!
Saturday and Sunday, May 23 & 24, from 12 - 6
Monday May 25 from 10 -5
at the Bellport Community Center
4 Bell St., Bellport
Just 1 block South of South Country Road off Bellport Lane
Free and Open to the Public
The weather is going to cooperate and its going to be a great weekend to be out and about in the beautiful village of Bellport! Take a stroll down to the bay, have a little picnic, see some great art, and shop on our quaint little main street.... we've got great restaurants and eateries too- from health food, ice cream, pizza, Chinese, and a great deli, to fine restaurants all within walking distance of the community center.
WHO IS...South Bay Art Association?
South Bay Art Association
PO Box 244
Bellport, NY 11713
Visit our Google Calendar and see all our events at
For urgent questions, call the President, Chris Taylor 281-5592
For Artists on the Lane, call Sue at 286-0037 or Laurie 286-3521
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Welcome to Our World!
We offer weekly portrait sketch groups, summer en plein air, monthly demos, an informative monthly newsletter, and of course, the annual Members Exhibit, held over Memorial Day Weekend at the Bellport Community Center.
Throughout our long history, SBAA has been grateful for the kind support of the Village of Bellport for allowing us the use of the Community Center for all our meetings and shows. Bellport is our home base, for over 50 years!
For more info on SBAA, visit for all our events and news. We are on Google calendar also which can be accessed from that site.
contact us thru
Membership is only $25. per year, and if you don't want to be a member, donations are gladly accepted for our Student Scholarship Fund. Our Student Show is held annually on the weekend before Thanksgiving, at the Community Center (4 Bell St., Bellport) with high schools from all over Long Island participating. HS Seniors who are pursuing a career in the visual arts are invited to compete for over $6,000 in Scholarship Awards.
Hope to see you at the Member's Show on Memorial Day Weekend!
Come on and check us out!