I see this over and over again at galleries and art shows.
Artists work their heart out on a piece, stress over it, agonize work and rework...... finally get it ready to show off and..... put it in a second-hand frame!
This actually devalues the work.
It's not professional.
Collectors can spot a second hand frame a mile away, and it detracts from the work.
The other problem I see often is that the frame doesn't DO anything for the artwork, and can sometimes fight it, taking away the impact the painting may have had in a different frame or even unframed! Trying to match a mat or a frame to the decor of the home also devalues the work.
Framing should enhance the piece, not be a last minute thought. Its part of the process.
Cutting costs by using second hand frames is not really in the best interest of the artist, and it makes us ALL look bad. Sure, everyone wants to economize, but remember the collector wants VALUE for his purchase of your artwork. Don't sell short by using cheap or second-hand, yard-sale frames that you have touched up or repaired. Would you buy a new car with old tires on it? Or a scratch in the paint?