I want to thank each and every one of our volunteers for making the show a success!
Some of you I have not met yet..... and if I leave anyone out, please forgive me but here goes:
The Chairmen, Christina and Carolyn Harrington!
Set-Up crew- Sal Marascia, Jim Thompson, Lynn Stonebridge, Mike Maas,
Receiving Committee: including Hongping Du, Laurie Fosmire, Marianne Thorvaldsen, Michele DePalo, Anne Meinhold, Bobby Gugliotta, Carolyn Harrington
Hanging Committee, including Bobbie Gugliotta, Laurie Fosmire, Adele Roberts, Anne Meinhold, Marianne Thorvaldsen, Joel Furman
Refreshments: Mike Maas, Ted Stamatelos and Jean Coakley
Foods donated by King Kullen (with additional thanks to Sue Brooks)
Musicians: Diana and Elizabeth Berthold and Robert Price
Flowers- LI Flower Garden (with thanks to Fran & Laurie Fosmire)
Ribbons- procured by Lester Sprague- a fine job as usual!
Program Cover Design- George Wybenga
Our Judges, Ruth Baderian and Arline Goldstein
Our Publicist, Michele DePalo, and Bellport.com for their coverage and for providing us with our website
LuAnn Thompson for the design and procurement of show postcards
To all those who donated paintings for the Scholarship Raffle-
To all those who bought or sold raffle tickets,
The Village of Bellport for the use of the Community Center, and especially the Building & Grounds crew who hung the banners and set up the Community Center to accomodate our show,
The Stonebridge Family for taking care of the sign on the green in front of CVS
And, all our guests and supporters-all the patient wives and husbands who have put up with us through the process....We couldn't have done it without you! Its a great show!! If I've left anyone out, please let me know and please accept my apologies for the oversight!
Thanking in advance all those who will help break down the show, put the panels away and help at check-out.
Chris Taylor