Saturday, October 1, 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Instructor: Rosamaria Eisler.
All levels welcome. This class is a pre-requisite
for enrollment in the "Color Reduction" class.
East End Arts School. Riverhead, NY
Cost: $50 EEA Members; $75 Nonmembers.
Information: 631-369-2171
Marlene Bezich will be conducting a class in Centereach High School Adult Ed in Pastels and Portrait painting.
There are still some seats left. Please call Centereach Adult Ed at 631-285-8158 or email to register.
Sharon Way-Howard will be teaching a 4 week class "Introduction to Acrylics" on Fridays from 10 to 12 starting Sept.30. Starting Oct. 28, also on Fridays, Sharon will be teaching another 4 week class "Exploring Textures in Watercolor or Pastel", from 10 - 12. Both classes are at the Islip Art Museum in East Islip. The phone number to register is 631-224-5402.