Thursday, August 26, 2010

Annual Meeting and Election of Officers --September 18th

Mark your Calendar for Saturday, September 18th

Saturday September 18th from 3 - 6 pm
at the Post-Morrow Foundation, 16 Bay Road, Brookhaven

RSVP to Ann Stonebridge at 286-1205 to confirm your dish.
Please note, there is no stove, so please bring a warming tray if you have one.

Directions: Take Beaver Dam road south from South Country Road, 1/4 mile of S. Country Road make a right onto BAY road, #1`6 is onthe right hand side not far down.

Nominations for the 2011 Board of Directors:
President: Ted Stamatelos
Vice President: Jim Vaughan
Treasurer: Michele DePalo
Corresponding Secretary: Laurie Fosmire
Recording Secretary: Dolores Szigethy
