Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dates to remember

"Textured Abstracts"
There's been a change in Lester Sprague's Exhibit at the Bay Gallery - the reception will be held on the 14th instead of the 7th
Sundays in June, 1:30 - 3:30 at the Unitarian Fellowship on Brown's lane at the Bay, in Bellport

The Pen Women have an exhibit at Baffa Gallery 47 Gillette Ave, Sayville,
June 6 & 7, 13 & 14 with the reception on the 14th from 1 - 4 pm

Adele Roberts has work in the "Little Black Book" Exhibit at Mills Pond House, 660 Rte 25A, St James
from June 13- July 10th with a reception June 13th 2 - 4 pm

Many of our members are exhibiting at
"Gardener's Delight" at Phoenix Gallery in June, the exhibit is on till 6/21 with a reception Sunday May 31st 1 - 3 pm

Any other news? Send it over to me at
put "blog it" in the subject line

Friday, May 29, 2009

Thank You's

The Thursday, May 28th edition of the Long Island Advance has a nice article about the SBAA member's exhibit, with some photos of winning pieces. You can see it online or by supporting the Advance by buying a copy or even better, subscribing to the Paper- The Advance has covered our events for many many years and we thank them for their support!

And for the Scholarship raffle, thanks to those artists who have donated paintings for the Raffle which will be held on July 4th at Artists on the Lane:
Muriel Musarra, Hongping Du, Laurie Fosmire, Mike Maas, Rosamaria, Lester Sprague, Sue Chrien and (a friend of) Irving Boker.
Good Luck to all those who have purchased raffle tickets!

Many many thanks to our artists and of course the volunteers who assisted in many ways to get the show up, especially our Co-Chairs, Christina and Carolyn Harrington.

And, thanks to, for their coverage as well- have you seen the slideshow? (go to recent events.)

Of course, thanks to the Village of Bellport, their staff and crew, for hanging (and unhanging) our banners and taking care of the Community Center so we can have our show in there.
See the winner's exhibit at the Library, during Library hours, now till June 27th

Monday, May 25, 2009

Photos from the Reception 5/22/09

Refreshment Committee, Chairmen, Best in Show Winner with Judges

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Members Show Winners

The winners of this year's exhibit will be posted on any minute now..... meantime here's a brief run-down of ribbon winners:.
Best in Show went to Carolyn Harrington for "Bellport Regatta" an oil painting done in palette knife style.
In Watercolor, we had ribbons for Lorraine Rimmelin, Rita Swanteson, Mary Bouzianis and Jeanne Salucci.
Printmaking: Rosamaria Eisler, George Wybenga.
Photography: Anne Baum, Bonnie Norjen, Michele DePalo and LuAnn Thompson. Oil/Acrylic: Carolyn Harrington, Daven Herley, Calvin Chen.
Drawing: Adele Roberts, Mike Maas, Doris Nickerson.
Mixed Media: Lilian Masten, Chris Taylor, Sue Chrien, Christina Harrington and Kathy Wayman.
Miscelaneous: Muriel Musarra.
Sculpture: Anne Meinhold, Diana Berthold.
Pastel: Roberta Gigliotta, Letty Damm-Norjen, Rita Swanteson.
Congratulations to all!
Ribbons are awarded at the discretion of the Judges. They may award all, some or no ribbons. Unawarded ribbons may be given to the larger categories, again at the discretion fo the judges. In some cases a category has no entries or very few.

The show is open today, Sunday, 12 - 6 and tomorrow, Monday 10 -5
at the Bellport Community Center, 4 Bell St Bellport
Free and open to the Public.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Volunteers make it happen!

I want to thank each and every one of our volunteers for making the show a success!
Some of you I have not met yet..... and if I leave anyone out, please forgive me but here goes:
The Chairmen, Christina and Carolyn Harrington!
Set-Up crew- Sal Marascia, Jim Thompson, Lynn Stonebridge, Mike Maas,
Receiving Committee: including Hongping Du, Laurie Fosmire, Marianne Thorvaldsen, Michele DePalo, Anne Meinhold, Bobby Gugliotta, Carolyn Harrington
Hanging Committee, including Bobbie Gugliotta, Laurie Fosmire, Adele Roberts, Anne Meinhold, Marianne Thorvaldsen, Joel Furman
Refreshments: Mike Maas, Ted Stamatelos and Jean Coakley
Foods donated by King Kullen (with additional thanks to Sue Brooks)
Musicians: Diana and Elizabeth Berthold and Robert Price
Flowers- LI Flower Garden (with thanks to Fran & Laurie Fosmire)
Ribbons- procured by Lester Sprague- a fine job as usual!
Program Cover Design- George Wybenga
Our Judges, Ruth Baderian and Arline Goldstein
Our Publicist, Michele DePalo, and for their coverage and for providing us with our website
LuAnn Thompson for the design and procurement of show postcards
To all those who donated paintings for the Scholarship Raffle-
To all those who bought or sold raffle tickets,
The Village of Bellport for the use of the Community Center, and especially the Building & Grounds crew who hung the banners and set up the Community Center to accomodate our show,
The Stonebridge Family for taking care of the sign on the green in front of CVS
And, all our guests and supporters-all the patient wives and husbands who have put up with us through the process....We couldn't have done it without you! Its a great show!! If I've left anyone out, please let me know and please accept my apologies for the oversight!
Thanking in advance all those who will help break down the show, put the panels away and help at check-out.
Chris Taylor

Member's Exhibit

The judges have reached their determinations, and it was a tough call for them this year! Deliberations lasted until late afternoon as the judges conferred between themselves. We were happy to have as judges this year, Ruth Baderian and Arline Goldstein, two accomplished artists from up island.
The reception begins tonight at 8 pm at the Community Center. See you there!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Patchogue Arts Council Mix and Mingle--- 5/20/09

Wed. May 20, 2009 from 7-9pm JOIN US at Our First MIX & MINGLE
Meet other Artists and Friends of the Arts
We are listening... many of our members are looking for networking opportunities.They are looking for time to connect and speak with other artists and art supporters.

You are invited to our first MIX and MINGLE with Artists and Friends of the Arts at our ARTS MIXERS. At the Oar House, 264 West Avenue, Patchogue, NY 11772, 631-207-1953.
Join us May 20, 2009, from 7 to 9pm, cash bar.

Encourage, Support, Promote the Arts
The Patchogue Arts Board and Trustees will also attend

Monday, May 18, 2009

Annual Member's Exhibit

Please be sure to visit our show this weekend, Memorial Day Weekend-
its our 52nd Show!

Saturday and Sunday, May 23 & 24, from 12 - 6
Monday May 25 from 10 -5
at the Bellport Community Center
4 Bell St., Bellport
Just 1 block South of South Country Road off Bellport Lane
Free and Open to the Public

The weather is going to cooperate and its going to be a great weekend to be out and about in the beautiful village of Bellport! Take a stroll down to the bay, have a little picnic, see some great art, and shop on our quaint little main street.... we've got great restaurants and eateries too- from health food, ice cream, pizza, Chinese, and a great deli, to fine restaurants all within walking distance of the community center.

WHO IS...South Bay Art Association?

Contact Info:

South Bay Art Association
PO Box 244
Bellport, NY 11713

Visit our Google Calendar and see all our events at

For urgent questions, call the President, Chris Taylor 281-5592

For Artists on the Lane, call Sue at 286-0037 or Laurie 286-3521

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Welcome to Our World!

South Bay Art Association was founded in 1956 to encourage the creation and appreciation of the Visual Arts. Thanks to the efforts of some very dedicated artists, the organization we now know as SBAA was formed and has grown into the wonderful group it is today- we have had over 50 years' worth of Membership Exhibits, have given thousands of dollars towards student scholarships over the years, and this year, our annual outdoor fine art show, Artists on the Lane, celebrates its 50th year!
We offer weekly portrait sketch groups, summer en plein air, monthly demos, an informative monthly newsletter, and of course, the annual Members Exhibit, held over Memorial Day Weekend at the Bellport Community Center.

Throughout our long history, SBAA has been grateful for the kind support of the Village of Bellport for allowing us the use of the Community Center for all our meetings and shows. Bellport is our home base, for over 50 years!

For more info on SBAA, visit for all our events and news. We are on Google calendar also which can be accessed from that site.
contact us thru
Membership is only $25. per year, and if you don't want to be a member, donations are gladly accepted for our Student Scholarship Fund. Our Student Show is held annually on the weekend before Thanksgiving, at the Community Center (4 Bell St., Bellport) with high schools from all over Long Island participating. HS Seniors who are pursuing a career in the visual arts are invited to compete for over $6,000 in Scholarship Awards.
Hope to see you at the Member's Show on Memorial Day Weekend!
Come on and check us out!