Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Our Annual Student Scholarship Art Show

The SBAA is pleased to announced the 27th Annual Student Scholarship Art Exhibit.  
November 21, 22, and 23, 2014.
Our annual event has provided an opportunity for art students, teachers and the public to view and celebrate the creative works of talented students.
We are asking our members for their help on the following dates: a couple of hours of your time will be appreciated.
Tuesday, November 18: helping in receiving of works from 3-7 PM
Wednesday: Hanging of artworks, from 10 AM till finish...
Saturday, November 22, sitting for the exhibition, 10-6 PM
Sunday, November 23, sitting 10-3 PM
Sunday, November 23, picking the artworks 5-7 PM.
Please contact Rosamaria Eisler, Chairperson of this event at:

The Nita Elder Student Scholarship Exhibition takes place annually on the weekend before Thanksgiving, at
The Bellport Community Center, 4 Bell Street, Bellport.

We are the only arts organization in Suffolk County that offers a Student Scholarship Competition Exhibit for high school senior art students throughout Suffolk County who plan to continue their art education. Students from between 12 and 15 high schools participate in this annual event in November.  Last year, we had over 100 pieces of artwork displayed at the Bellport Community Center. The show runs from Friday, November 21, through Sunday, November 23. It is a rare and unique opportunity for these young people to gain experience in exhibiting their work in competition with their peers.
The students submit a body of work consisting of three original pieces of art. The show is judged by two well-respected artists, and SBAA awards three (3) $1,000 scholarships to the winners. We host a reception at which these scholarships are presented, along with other monetary awards from other arts and business organizations.
This year we are offering our membership, as well as local galleries and arts organizations, an opportunity to sponsor a monetary award (minimum of $100) to be presented at the reception. The recipient of the award would be the artwork of the sponsor’s choosing, to be presented by them in their name. We will contact you as to when you can make your selection. If you are unable to make either the selection or presentation yourself, SBAA would be happy do it on your behalf.
One of the major objectives of SBAA is to encourage interest in the visual arts, and how better to accomplish this than with the budding young artists of our high schools. We hope for your support in making our annual student show a memorable experience for our participating high school students. 
If you have any questions,  or would like to make a donation, please call  631-849-6162, or email me at rosamariaeisler@   Thank you for your generous support.

Rosamaria Eisler,  Student Show Chairperson

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Photos from our 3rd Annual Juried Show!

We are pleased to announce, our Juror  for the show was Beth E. Levinthal, of the Hofstra University Art Gallery. The show was Chaired by Ted Stamatelos, assisted by LuAnn Thompson and Chris Taylor, with many thanks to our volunteers who made the show possible and to the Phoenix Gallery for a fine venue.
Photos provided by Laurie Fosmire, ©2014

Sketch Group at SBAA

Join us Tuesday mornings at the Bellport Community Center, 4 Bell Street, 10:30 - noon during the school year. The group cancels for bad weather, holidays and elections.
(A small donation is collected for the (clothed) model)

Show here in 2008, Phyllis Potts, Ann Wiswall, Bruce Testa, and Pat Campbell
Photo courtesy Laurie Fosmire ©2008