The 25th Annual Nita Elder Student
Scholarship Show
16, 17 & 18, 2012
the Bellport Community Center, 4 Bell Street, Bellport.
Chairperson for the event is Rosamaria Eisler, former adjunct professor at Adelphi
College and longtime SBAA member- with assistance from the very capable
artist/educator, Mike Maas. We are sure to have a great show this year- we know
this team gives 110%.
for the Artists: Friday, November 16th 7- 9:30 (Awards at 8 pm)
November 17, from 10 – 6
November 18th, 10 -3
show is the culmination of all our fundraising events, and we thank all of our
members, volunteers, supporters, neighbors and friends for helping to make this
happen! High School Seniors from all over Suffolk County will be eligible for
the awards. Judges’ determinations
are based on a body of 3 works entered, where the students must show
proficiency in various media.
Brookhaven National Laboratory will give an award for the works they deem best represent the theme of "Discovery". The winner of that award is then invited to exhibit that work at the BNL Art Show at Berkner Hall, at the Lab, November 19, 20 & 21
Women Sharing Art, a non profit corporation providing avenues for women artists to nurture and encourage one another to further their artistic accomplishments, will provide two Special Awards in the amount of $250. each, to two deserving young women. Work selected must show student's breadth and strongest pieces as an artist.