The BAHC and the Bellport Centennial Committee are inviting artists of all ages to paint en plein air in the Historic Village of Bellport, NY. There will be an exhibit to close out the paint out and artists are invited to bring their finished work to the Phoenix Gallery on Sunday, August 8th. All artists must register for the weekend event. Registrations will be accepted in person, by email or by phone at the Phoenix Gallery any time before Friday, August 6th, 2010.
Rules for the Paint out:
Maps will be available for the areas to paint.
All painting mediums will be accepted, for show and sales.
Paintings should be properly framed and wire mounted, no hooks or brackets, and brought to the Gallery on Sunday from 2 to 4 pm for exhibit.
No photo references will be permitted,
All art must be completed during the plein air outing between Aug 6th and Aug 8th, and done on location in Bellport.
Works completed outside of Bellport will not be permitted as this is for the Centennial Celebration.
Work may be offered for sale subject to a 30% Commission and must remain on exhibit until August 22nd.
Artists are encouraged to submit 2 works for free and additional works are encouraged for a $5 fee per work.
Artists will be responsible for making arrangements to pick up their work on Sunday, 8/22 between 2 and 4 pm.
Bellport Battling Brushes (Plein Air) Contest (FEE)
When: Saturday, August 7, 2010 8 am to 1 pm
Where: Bellport Village
This is a special en plein air event that will be held on the morning of August 7th. Artists 16 and older are invited to participate.
Set up:
At 8 AM, artists are to bring their canvas, board or other painting surface to the Phoenix Gallery so that it may be stamped for participation. Unstamped canvases/surfaces will not be permitted in the final judging.
Artists may set up their workspace at their chosen site between 8 and 9 am, but are not permitted to paint before 9 am.
Artists painting before 9 am will be disqualified.
At Noon and no later than 12:15 PM, artists are to bring their work AND their easels to the sidewalk in front of the Phoenix Gallery.
Monitors will be checking canvases/work surfaces for eligibility and will distribute numbered tags to each participant to label their work with the title, medium and price.
At 1 pm ribbons will be awarded for first, second and third place to the top three adult artists and for the top three high school artists participating in the event.
Sales are encouraged and a the BAHC is asking for a 30% Commission to be donated to the BAHC so that we can fund further activities such as this. It is also encouraged, but not required, to frame the works done after the competition for the sale.
Winners will be invited to show their work in the Phoenix Gallery from August 8th to August 22, 2010.
pre-register or you can register Friday, Aug 6th at the Phoenix Gallery, no later than 5 PM.
The fee for participating is $20. This fee entitles the artist to enter their completed piece in the exhibit/judging event after the timed competition.
This is a plein air outing, no photo references will be permitted, all work must be completed that morning.
THE Brookhaven Arts & Humanities Council (BAHC), reserves the right to refuse work that is poorly presented (framed) or is objectionable or otherwise unsuitable for exhibition in the local market. The BAHC will handle all work with care, however cannot be held responsible for loss or damage. Any works left after the pick up date will be subject to storage charges.